Perform a global search
Find the quick search as per the image below.
With the quick search bar in bilabl, you can use a keyword search to find data within your firm's contacts, matters, billing statements, and users.
- Type a keyword in the search field in the bilabl header, at least 3 characters.
- Press enter or return on your keyboard.
- Look through the results and select what you are searching for.
Filter by keywords
Filtering search results by keywords can be done when viewing the following tabs in bilabl: task, matter, corporate, individual, billing statement and user.
- Once you have the results, it will take time to go through each one to locate the resource you are looking for as there will be numerous results.
- Click on the object you want to search for, for example: matter
- Now the result just shows the data contained within your firm's matter
Tip: Use the right arrow to switch tabs and the down arrow to navigate through resources one by one.