Activate your account

Activating your account and getting started witnh bilabl only takes a few steps. After the IT manager or admin has created an account, you will receive a activation link into your email. 

  1. Go to the email inbox and click on the activation link and the create password page will be shown, then enter the password (format: use 8 or more characters with a mix of letters, numbers and symbols, for example: Dnls23@dd)
  2. Click create password, if the password is the same, the message password created successfully! is shown and it redirects the user to the bilabl site so the user can login for the next phase. 

Sign in with your account: user name and password
  1. Go to your bilabl login page.
  2. Enter your email address and the password which you created in the previous step.
  3. Click sign in.

Sign in with your Office 365 account
  1. Go to your bilabl login page
  2. Click on sign in with your Office 365 account.
  3. A new form will appear, enter your email and then click next button.
  4. The permissions requested form appears, and at this step click the accept button and you have completed it.

Troubleshoot new user login

If a new user has trouble logging into their account, follow the steps below.

  1. Make sure that the new user is using the email address that was used to send the invitation email.
  2. When logging in using Office 365, make sure that the email that is used to log in with Office 365 exists in bilabl.

If this does not work, please contact your IT team, your admin or bilabl's support team.

Forgot Password
  1. Click forgot password.
  2. Enter your email address, then click reset password.
  3. You will receive the reset password link by email.
  4. Click on the link and the reset password form is shown, then input the password.